27 October 2006
Carrier diffusion and drift-diffusion equations:
- Diffusion equation solver for the excess carriers (excess electron and hole concentrations
are equal, no electric field).
- Newton's method.
- Steady or time dependent solution.
- Periodic steady-state solution [Harmonic Balance (HB)].
Nonlinear recombination processes taken into account up to the third harmonic.
Drift-Diffusion equation solver using Slotboom's variables formulation
and Gummel's map (with inner Newton's loop)
- Models (coefficients appearing in the model's equation
can be position dependent when it make sens)
- Boltzmann or Fermi-Dirac statistics
- Mobility models: Constant (but position dependent),
Dorkel-Letruq and Philips Unified Mobility (Klaassen).
- Band gap narrowing models: Varshini (temperature), Slotboom (doping),
Schenk (doping and free carriers).
- Recombination models: Linear, SRH (doping dependent), Auger.
- Generation models: Optical generation by Gaussian laser source(s)
- Absorption model: User specified absorption coefficients
and Smith's model (band-to-band indirect absorption)
- Ambipolar diffusivity: Constant (but position dependent) or
computed from electron and hole mobilities (Boltzmann or Fermi-Dirac statistics).
Heat equation
- Diffusion equation solver for the temperature.
- Steady-state
- Time dependent
- Periodic steady-state
- Models (coefficients appearing in the model's equation
can be position dependent when it make sens)
- Thermal diffusivity and conductivity: Constant (but position dependent)
- Source term: User provided,
excess (relative to the bandgap) laser power density (~hot-carriers thermalization),
and carrier recombinations.